Welcome to BEAUTY Educators Insights

I'm No Rookie Podcast

The podcast for professionals like us—dedicated, passionate, and eager to extend our impact from the treatment room or management office to the classroom and beyond. Every fortnight, I’ll bring you insights, stories, and practical strategies to help you navigate the transition to becoming an educator. We’re covering everything from leveraging your expertise to developing new skills, all with the goal of empowering you to excel as an educator in our vibrant industry

The I’m No Rookie podcast features a wide range of topics, from developing leadership skills to overcoming self-doubt and everything in between. We bring experts and successful individuals from various industries to share their stories, insights and advice.

Thanks for visiting, and we can’t wait to have you join us on the I’m No Rookie podcast!

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Meet the host

As the host of the of I’m No Rookie podcast, Ayo brings her experiences, lessons learned, insights, tips and strategies to help listeners achieve their goals. Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights and inspiration on various topics, including personal and professional development, leadership, entrepreneurship, and more. 

Ayo’s goal is to empower listeners with the tools and knowledge they need to take their skills and knowledge to the next level and become the go-to expert in their industry. Tune in and join Ayo on this journey to become your best version.

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We publish Weekly on Tuesdays at 8am.

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